TS License Pricing

Revision: January 2023
Minimum 5 Standard User Licenses per customer (legal entity).

Standard User License

DKK 269 /mo

per named user

  • Full access (read & write)
  • Access to Backend
  • 170+ Field Type Componenets
  • Lightning-fast build process
  • Unlimited usage
Start Subscription
Medium User License

DKK 134.5 /mo

per named user

  • Full access (read & write)
  • Font-end access only
  • Maximum 50 fields in 1 app
Add to Subscription
Light User License

DKK 67.25 /mo

per named user

  • Limited access (read & write)
  • Front-end access only
  • Maximum 20 fields in 1 app
Add to Subscription

Licenses for use of the TS No-code Platform or applications developed on the platform are settled per user per month in accordance with the following tariffs:

Licenses Type / Number of Users 5-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000+
Standard User License (1/1) 269,00 209,00 169,00 139,00 119,00 109,00
Medium User License (1/2) 134,50 104,50 84,50 69,50 59,50 54,50
Light User License (1/4) 67,25 52,75 42,25 34,75 29,75 27,25
Transaction Fee (1/25) 10,76 8,36 6,76 5,56 4,76 4,36

Standard User License (SUL)

The Standard User License is a full access user license that includes the use of all facilities in the platform including the backend and/or applications developed on it, respectively. Licenses are settled on an ongoing basis, which in turn means that the customers alway have access to the latest version of TS No-code Platform.

Medium User License (MUL)

Some applications may require access for a large user-base with a relatively simple user pattern (maximum 50 fields in maximum 1 application). In such cases the MUL license may be advantageous, allowing read and write access at half the price of a standard user license.

Light User License (LUL)

Some solutions / applications result in a relatively large user-base, while the use pattern or frequency of use for these users does not qualify for settlement of the full Standard User License. There are three types of users that are not settled at full value.

Read-only User (LUL)

This user type is limited in that they can only read data in the application, but otherwise function as a normal user. Users are defined as Read-only if this attribute is enabled on their user profile. Read-only users are settled as 1/4 of the Standard User License and are included in the total number of users per customer with the resulting volume discount.

Infrequent User (LUL)

This is a user type that rarely uses the application. This type of user is limited to a maximum of 12 logins per year. Users are defined as infrequent when this attribute is enabled on their user profile. Inventory users are settled as 1/4 of the Standard User License and are included in the total number of users per customer with the resulting volume discount.

Simple User (LUL)

This is a user type that only has access to a limited part of an application or where the application itself is very simple. The definition of a simple user is a maximum of 20 fields in maximum 1 application. Simple users are settled as 1/4 of the Standard User License and are included in the total number of users per customer with the resulting volume discount.

Example: The customer has 40 standard users and 20 read-only users. Payable (40 + 20/4) = 45 user licenses for a unit price of DKK 269 / month (range 5-49).


Anonymous User (Interface)

This is a user type without a user profile/credentials. Often it is relevant to make a limited part of an application available to anonymous users. This can be done via an interface. An interface is settled for 1/1 Standard User License.

Transaction Fee

In some cases, it doesn’t make sense to define the pricing of an application based on Standard User Licenses and Light User Licenses alone. In such cases, we can offer to include Transaction Fee(s) as part of the price. Transaction Fee(s) requires anonymous users without login credentials. Transaction fees are settled as 1/25 of the Standard User License and are included in the total number of users per customer with the resulting volume discount.

Example: The customer has 80 standard users and 1000 transactions per month. Payable (80 + 1000/25) = 120 user licenses for a unit price of DKK 169 / month (range 100-249).


Professional Services

Professional Services are performed subject to the following rates:

Resource / Activity Price DKK* Voucher DKK
Senior Consultant (consulting services and supporter) 1.350,00 / hour 1.215,00 / hour
Senior Developer (codeunits, new functionality and integration) 1.550,00 / hour 1.395,00 / hour
Transport outside the Capital Region 50% of hourly rate / hour -

Voucher (50 hours)

When purchasing a voucher (50 hours – corresponding to 100 slots of 30 minutes), a 10% discount is offered, whereby a Senior Consultant / Supporter is settled at DKK 1,215.00 / hour, and a Senior Developer (software and new functionality) is settled at DKK 1,395.00 / hour. A voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

Travel and stayover

For work carried out outside the Capital Region, the Supplier will invoice time spent on transportation at 50% of the hourly rate. For engagements of more than one day outside Zealand, travel and accommodation costs are settled.

Out-of-office assistance

For hours, approved by Partner in writing, spent outside the period 08: 30-16: 30 on weekdays, an additional fee is added:

Time period Weekday Weekend / Public holiday
00:00 – 06:00 +50% +100%
06:00 – 08:30 +25% +100%
08:30 – 16:30 Standard +50%
16:30 – 20:00 +25% +100%
20:00 – 00:00 +50% +100%

Hosting prices

For hosting purposes, TS uses Amazon Elastic Cloud. When creating a server platform, Partner and / or Customer are obliged to read and accept, Amazon Elastic Cloud AWS Customer Agreement, by clicking on the following link: https://aws.amazon.com/agreement/

Based on the customer’s preference, a hosting server is set up in a data center within the EU (e.g. in Sweden or Ireland), or outside the region (e.g. Oregon, USA).

Hosting Server, AWS EC2 - Micro Small Medium Large
vCPUs - 2 2 2 2
Memory RAM - 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0
Storage (standard) - 20GB 20GB 20GB 20GB
Usage - Test Normal Medium Heavy
Performance/vCPU - 10% 20% 20% 30%
Unmanaged* Price/month DKK 200,00 300,00 400,00 650,00
Managed (Live)** Price/month DKK N/A 500,00 600,00 850,00

*Unmanaged server includes: Server patches and updates as needed.
**Managed server includes: Backup (daily with 30 days retention), Server monitoring with a frequency of 5 minutes, Server patches and updates as needed. The hosting price is based on cost from Amazon Web Services plus a small service fee.


All prices are listed in DKK exclusive VAT. TS NoCode ApS reserves the right to adjust prices once a year (in the month of January) in accordance with the development in the Danish net price index the previous year, or a minimum of 2%.


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