Privacy Policy

Revision: September 22, 2023

TS respects your privacy. The following privacy statement describes your privacy rights and our commitment to protecting your personal information.

TS provides software and services to private and public companies in Europe and the rest of the world. TS's head office is located in Birkerød, north of Copenhagen, and TS is subject to European personal data legislation, including the Personal Data Regulation (GDPR). All major decisions in TS regarding the protection of personal information are made at management level in Denmark. This statement on the protection of personal information is available on our website:

Scope and acceptance

This section contains specific information about when and in what context this Privacy Policy applies.

This declaration on the protection of personal information applies to all business processes and to all TS's websites, domains, mobile solutions and cloud services. Service-specific supplements can be found in data processing agreements or similar information for the specific service in question.

This statement on the protection of personal information provides information about the data processing carried out by TS, when TS determines for what purpose and with which means the processing is carried out, i.e. when TS acts as data controller.

It also provides information about the data processing carried out by TS on behalf of our customers based on their instructions, i.e. when a customer is the data controller and TS acts as a data processor.

Personal information is information that can identify you as a person, for example
e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, etc. It is necessary for us to process your personal data in order to serve our customers and partners.

We kindly ask you to refrain from using TS websites or services if you cannot accept the way we process personal data according to this statement.

Whose data we process

TS processes personal data about job seekers and contact persons at Customers and Partners, as well as software users who are associated with our Customers. We also process personal data about people who are potential customers and who contact us via our website or other channels (at conferences, exhibitions, etc.).

Our declaration in these respects can be found in the section "TS as data controller".
We also process data on behalf of our customers, where the customer controls the processing. Our declaration in these respects can be found in the section "TS as data processor". Please note that personal information, in this Statement on the protection of personal information, may also be referred to as persons or you/you.

TS as data controller

This is how TS processes personal data in its role as data controller.

When TS decides for what purpose and with what means the processing of your personal data is carried out, the company acts as the data controller. This includes situations where TS collects personal data, in connection with you applying for a job, you being a representative of a Customer or a Customer Subject, or when you are a user of a TS Application.

Why we process personal data

About Customer contacts and software users.

To generally manage our customer relationships and to fulfill our customer obligations, TS needs information about you in your role as Customer contact person or user of an application or service. The purposes of processing this personal data are:

01) to carry out the sales and contract process in relation to Partners and Customers
02) to deliver the desired offers for products and services to Partners and Customers
03) to carry out deliveries in accordance with agreements entered into with Partners or Customers
04) to offer support to users of our products and services
05) to improve the quality, functionality and user experience of our products and services
06) to detect, limit and prevent security threats
07) to perform maintenance, troubleshooting and error correction in products and services
08) to prevent misuse of our products and services
09) to process orders, invoicing, payments, and other financial follow-up
10) to coordinate education and training of developers and users
11) to create interest profiles to promote relevant products and services

The legal basis for the above processing (points 01 to 10) is primarily based on the fact that, from a business perspective, TS has a legitimate interest in processing your personal data in a way that, in our opinion, does not conflict with your rights regarding personal data protection and self-determination. The legal basis for processing your personal data according to the purpose described in point 11 is consent.

About Leads

TS processes personal data about customers for marketing purposes.
In order to deliver targeted and relevant content to potential customers, TS builds a so-called "persona" based on your activity and your choices and actions on TS websites, as well as response to marketing content via e-mail and or social media. The legal basis for such processing is primarily your consent. In the following sections, you can read how we create such personas, as well as how to revoke your consent.

About job seekers

If you are a job seeker, we process personal data to evaluate your potential as an employee in TS. The legal basis for such processing is your consent. We regard your application and/or CV as an actively expressed consent to the confidential processing of your personal data in relation to the applied for position or similar positions at TS.

How we collect your personal data

In general, TS collects personal data directly from you or other persons associated with our Customer. These people can be a manager or colleague. If the Customer you work for buys products or services from TS or via one of our Partners, we may collect information about you from the Partner Company.

We also use cookies and other tracking technologies when you use TS websites and when you interact with us via e-mail, to optimize your experience of TS and our websites. See the section "Automatic data collection" for further information on how these technologies work and your rights in this context.

In some cases, we may also collect information about you from other sources. These sources can be TS Partners, public sources or social networks belonging to third parties. TS will be able to combine personal information about you collected from one source with information obtained from another source. This gives us a more complete picture of you and your interests, allowing us to serve you in a more relevant way.

Automatic data collection

TS uses various tracking technologies to collect information about your activities on and your interactions with us. Below you will find some examples of such tracking technologies.

Cookies and pixels

Cookies are small text files which contain a character string and create a unique identification of a user. They are sent back to the website and/or third parties. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, as this is required by most websites in order to access them. However, you can change your browser settings so that your browser generally rejects cookies, blocks cookies from third parties or notifies you when a cookie is sent.

Tracking pixels are scripts that are executed when a user lands on a website or opens an e-mail. The pixel itself is not visible and can only be seen in the site's or e-mail's HTML code. The script causes a third-party cookie to be downloaded to your computer, or which registers that the email has been opened. If you want to know more about cookies and how they work, please visit

Google cookies and technologies

Google Analytics: This cookie allows us to see information about website activities for users, including - but not limited to - page views, source and the time users spend on a website. The information is anonymised and appears as numerical values, which means that it cannot be traced back to individuals. This helps protect your privacy. By using Google Analytics, we can see what content is popular on our pages and we strive to give you more of what interests you.

You can prevent the information generated by the Google cookie about your use of our websites from being collected and processed by Google in the future by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your web browser. This Add-on can be downloaded at

What personal data we process

The type of personal data TS processes about you can be:

  • Contact information, such as name, address, phone number and email
  • Employment information, such as employer, title, position, professional interests
  • Feedback, comments or questions about TS our products and services
  • Unique user information, such as login ID, username, password
  • Financial information, such as credit card information
  • Online traffic information provided by your web browser. For example, browser type, device, language, the address of the website you came from and other traffic information, including IP address.
  • Other personal data contained in your profile, which you have freely provided on third-party social networks, for example LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

As Data Controller, TS does not process sensitive personal data about you.

How we share your personal data

In the following you can see how we potentially share your personal data.

TS Partners

TS delivers products and services through a network of Solution and Resale Partners, and as such there is a high probability that a Customer will be in contact with both TS and one or more of our Partners. In order to be able to provide the best possible customer service and support, we seek to maintain an overview and knowledge of the relationships Customers and contact persons have both internally and at the partner level. It is therefore likely that we will share information about you with the one/those of our Partners involved in the customer relationship and on the condition that it is legitimate and done in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

Public Authorities

The police and other authorities can demand that personal information from TS be handed over. In such cases, TS will only hand over the information if there is a court order or equivalent legal obligation that requires us to do so.

Mergers & Acquisitions

In connection with mergers and company takeovers or the sale of all or parts of TS's business, the acquiring entity and its consultants will have access to the information that is managed by TS and is relevant to the transaction. This may in some cases include personal data, and in such cases the external parties will enter into a confidentiality agreement with TS.

Your Rights

In the following, you can see which rights you have as registered.

The right to opt out of marketing communications
You have the right to opt out of receiving marketing communications from TS
and can do so in one of the following ways:

A) follow the opt-out instructions in the relevant marketing communication
B) contact us via e-mail at [email protected]

Please note that even if you opt out of receiving marketing communications, you may still receive administrative communications from TS, such as settlement notifications, order confirmations and notices that are necessary to manage the delivery of products or services provided to our Customers.

Fundamental Rights

You have the right to access your personal data by requesting an overview of personal data about you, and you may have the right to data portability. You also have the right to request TS to correct errors or omissions in your personal data. You also have the right to request the deletion of personal data and to restrict or object to our processing of your data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. If you wish to make use of one or more of these rights, please submit your request via e-mail to [email protected]

And finally, you have the right to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Authority (“Datatilsynet”) regarding our processing of your personal data, if you find reason to do so.

Data security and storage

How does TS protect and store your personal data?

TS values and takes the trust you and our customers place in us very seriously. Therefore, TS undertakes to avoid unauthorized access, publication or other deviant processing of personal data. TS must ensure the confidentiality, maintain the integrity and ensure the availability of the personal data we process in accordance with applicable legislation on personal data protection.

As part of our obligations, we apply reasonable and adequate organizational, technical and physical procedures and precautions to protect the information we collect and process, taking into account the type of personal data and the risk to you and our Customers in the event of a security breach. As the root causes of breaches of personal data security often have to be found internally within companies, we believe that a deeply rooted business culture that demonstrates respect for and vigilance around data protection among our employees is central to ensuring the lawful processing and protection of your information. The following precautions are of crucial importance in this context:

Organizational measures

  • TS's management controls the legal basis for processing, and TS Privacy Policies.
  • An external lawyer with relevant skills is assigned as an adviser
  • Internal data protection meetings are mandatory for all employees
  • Procedures for recording processing activities and performing risk assessments
  • Data processing agreements with subcontractors who process data on behalf of TS

Technical measures

  • Data classification ensures appropriate security measures relative to the level of risk
  • Use of encryption and pseudonymisation as risk mitigation measures
  • Limit access to personal data to those who need it, in connection with agreements, deliveries, legislation, etc.
  • Use of systems that detect, prevent and warn in case of a data security breach
  • Ongoing risk assessments to analyze whether existing technical and organizational measures are sufficient in relation to the requirements of current legislation

Technical measures

  • All data storage locations are protected with access control and video surveillance systems.

For as long as we store your personal data

TS only stores your personal data as long as it is necessary for the stated purpose, at the same time taking into account our need to answer inquiries and solve problems, as well as to comply with legal requirements under applicable legislation.

This means that TS can store your personal data for a reasonable period after your and our Customer's last interaction with us. When the personal data we have collected is no longer necessary, we delete it. In certain cases, however, we retain data in anonymized form for statistical purposes.

TS as Data Processor

How does TS process personal data in its role as Data Processor?

TS provides many different products and services to our customers. Several of these involve the processing of the Customer's data, including personal data. The purposes of the processing are determined by our customers, not by TS. This makes the Customer the Data Controller. TS acts in such cases as Data Processor and processes data on behalf of and in accordance with the instructions given by the Customer. The relationship between the Customer as Data Controller and TS as Data Processor is regulated by a Data Processor Agreement.

The customer's and TS's obligations

When the Customer acts as Data Controller, the Customer must, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, ensure the legal basis for the processing of personal data. The customer must also assess and bear the responsibility for the risks to which the data subject is exposed through the processing of their personal data. Another important aspect of the Customer's obligations as Data Controller is to comply with the information obligation in relation to data subjects. TS is a natural part of the Customer's obligations as Data Controller, in that TS services constitute parts of the processing of personal data, which the Customer must ensure is in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. When TS processes personal data on behalf of its Customers, we must do so in accordance with applicable data protection legislation for Data Processors.

The customer and TS are obliged to cooperate to ensure the protection of personal data for registered users. TS provides the necessary information to the Customer, so that the latter can act in accordance with applicable legislation on data protection.

Subcontractors and export of personal data

To what extent does TS use subcontractors?

TS uses sub-processors to process personal data, and in connection with this we may store or export your data or our customers' data to a location within the EU. These subcontractors are typically suppliers of IT hosting services.

When using subcontractors, TS enters into a Data Processor Agreement with the individual subcontractor to secure your personal data rights and to fulfill our obligations to our Customers. If a future subcontractor is located outside the EU, TS will ensure that the legal basis for such international transfers on behalf of you or our Customers is present, including by relying on the Privacy Shield (US) or by making use of EU model clauses. TS currently uses some external third parties who support our business processes and our cloud services. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • Google (US), supplier of our email, calendar, video conferencing and file storage solution
  • Amazon (IR and US), supplier of technical platform for our cloud services

As a Customer or Partner, you are welcome to request additional information about TS's subcontractors, including documentation for the legal basis for international transfers, as mentioned above, if we use a subcontractor outside the EU.

Changes to this Policy

If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised statement here with an updated revision date. We encourage you to review the Statement regularly. If we make changes to our Statement that significantly change our personal data protection practices, we may also notify you in other ways, for example by sending an email or by publishing a notice on our website and/or on social media, before the changes take effect.

How to contact us

If you have comments or questions regarding our Statement on the protection of personal information, unresolved issues regarding data protection and the use of data, or suspect a potential breach of your personal data protection, please send them to: [email protected] You are also welcome to send your inquiry per letter to:

TS NoCode ApS
Blokken 15
3460 Birkerød
Att.: The Data Controller

We will of course treat your request confidentially. A TS representative will contact you to deal with your issues and outline the possibilities for a solution. It is our aim to ensure that complaints are resolved in a timely and appropriate manner.