
TS Partner Programs

TS' Partner Programs offer a shortcut to deeper and more meaningful customer relationships, and expand specialist knowledge and know-how with a power tool for actual digital transformation.

Create Great Value for Your Customers

Become a TS Partner and create even greater value for your customers. TS collaborates with a number of skilled consultancies – large and small. What they all have in common is that they are specialists in one or more areas, and use this knowledge in advising their customers on a daily basis.

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Resale Partner

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Resale Partner Program

Solution Partner

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Solution Partner Program

Advisory Partner

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Advisory Partner Program


As a TS Partner, you can expand your consultancy with the development and implementation of workflows and applications that support your customers' business, expand your engagement with the customer, generate ongoing income, strengthen the relationship over time and differentiate your services.

Puts the user at the center rather than the technology

Eliminate misinterpretation of functional requirements

Ensures focus on need-to-have functionality

Strengthens organizational ownership and anchoring

Since those involved, experience for themselves, how quickly and easily changes are made, untimely nice-to-have requirements can be parked for later. Implementation, tests, changes and corrections are carried out in agreed upon sequences.

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One of the unique things about TS No-code Platform is how easy it is to customize applications. This is absolutely essential in the work with cyber security, privacy and not least GDPR, where new best practices and decisions from supervisory authorities that require adjustments are constantly surfacing. We see the same benefit driving new initiatives across our customers' organizations when they realize how easily they can create new apps that support other parts of the business.

Tor Valstrøm, Conscient Systems A/S

Different Partner Types. Different Benefits.

TS operates with different partner types depending on the type of organization, existing skills and resources, as well as which business model a potential partner wants to establish.

Resale Partner Levels

Resale Partner

Qualify for resale of TS Applications and no-code development facilitated by TS' own developers.

Resale Partner Program
Solution Partner Levels

Solution Partner

Get certified and expand your existing business with industry leading no-code development capabilities.

Solution Partner Program
Advisory Service Partner

Advisory Partner

Qualify for the Advisory Program to explore business opportunities, without initial commitment.

Advisory Program