Advisory Partner

Carve Consulting

Colleagues having meeting
Carve Consulting Logo
Copenhagen, Denmark
B2B, B2P

Platform Usage
Manufacturing Workflow Automation GDPR

TS No-code Platform TS Comply

Customer Case Studies


Carve Consulting is a consultancy with skills ranging from lawyers to business consultants, project managers, and IT developers. The company was established in 2013 by consultants with solid experience from Danish and international powerhouses. Carve Consulting helps public and private companies master and strengthen the interaction between people, technology and processes.

Carve Consulting helps public and private companies master and strengthen the interaction between people, technology and processes. 

Understanding that the world is rapidly changing. And that the next change often happens before the last one has had an effect. This requires that we together are able to navigate the intersection between the existing and the new. We can say all the nice words in our sleep, but we believe more in action that creates solutions that our customers can grow in. And we live up to our name when it comes to cutting to the essentials.