We Behave Responsibly
As a responsible company with the means to change the world of work, it is our duty to make a positive impact wherever we operate.
We Prioritize the ESG Work
TS supports the UN Global Compact's ten principles of responsible corporate governance, which include respect for human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, just as we recognise and respect the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We expect our business partners to follow similar principles and intend to prepare and report on our ESG initiatives and progress.
TS' Codes of Conduct
TS is an honest, reliable and responsible platform provider and software company. In our Codes of Conduct, we outline what requirements and expectations we have for good behavior in relation to our partners and employees. The starting point is that our partners and employees must at least comply with national laws and regulations as well as the principles of the UN Global Compact or equivalent principles.
Diversity and Inclusion
Fair Play. Good Business.
TS is determined to run a spotless business, free from social or ethnic racism, free from bribery or other forms of corruption. Therefore, we have policies and the guidelines in place that reflect our strong desire to maintain high standards of business integrity and ethics for the way we conduct our business.
Data Privacy
TS Takes Care of Data
TS complies with EU GDPR rules, including the supplementary rules in the national laws applicable to our company.
All employees who process personal data as part of the execution of their job must therefore be familiar with these rules and the principles applicable to the processing of personal data.
Environmental Impact
Reduce Carbon Emissions
TS supports a proactive approach to environmental challenges and undertakes initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. Also, we encourage the development and proliferation of environmentally friendly technologies. As part of our efforts to reduce carbon emissions we make sure to:
- Use of environmentally sound hosting services
- Minimize number and size of servers
- Abstain from unnessecary travels